Long before Kelly Clarkson was born, my mantra was "That which does not kill me makes me stronger." I thought I'd been tested by fire many times in life, but had no idea just how strong I would become.....
On the evening of September 3, 2011, I had a near death experience (NDE.) From the vantage point of the stars, I
viewed my body. Physically I felt nothing, but my awareness was keen.
I was part of the fabric of the Earth, sky and everything
beyond...simultaneously. There was no end to me, I was boundless.
In that moment, I felt the greatest peace I’ve ever known; peace beyond
the most permeating, deeply seated calm. It's been said this is “the peace that passeth all
understanding.” I experienced Oneness. My greatest goal in life
is to return to that state of Oneness at will.
In a matter of minutes that night, a tragic event
crushed me and sent my soul back toward its Creator. When my soul
returned to my physical body, there was an instant “download” of knowledge that
has impacted every moment of my life since. In that moment of revelation,
I had a profound “knowing” that my entire life had been an act, a performance lasting 47 years. In this briefest of moments, it became clear that the
beliefs I held about myself were not self-truths, but myriad aspects of a character
I’d carefully crafted to be who I thought others wanted me to be.
Now I’m trying to figure out who I really am,
what my beliefs are and whether they make me a better wife, mother or citizen
of this world. As I examine my thoughts and whether they are in alignment
with my ideals, it is with humility and an open mind that I'm changing my world. With humility, I’ve accepted responsibility for many choices I’m
not proud of and I strive to make better choices with each new day. With an open mind, I move forward allowing things which are
sometimes neither logical nor reasonable, things never considered possible in my old, small world. Through this “allowing,” I’ve embarked
on a fabulous journey to a life I never dreamed possible before
September 3, 2011.
On this
journey since my NDE, there have been some pretty crazy events in my life. Serendipity and synchronicity are now a big part of my life and these experiences are
the subject of my blog. It is common knowledge among "near death experiencers,"
that upon return to the physical plane, “stuff” from the “other side” continues
to show up in remarkable and surprising ways. To those who have
experienced a NDE, my stories may be common or familiar. I write
this blog for those who may find curiosity, wonder or awe in my experiences;
for those who say “You should write a book!” It is my hope to inspire
them to go within and question the possibilities of a life where reason and
logic are not the only means of guidance.
I think
there is a book inside of me but I thought I’d test the waters with a blog. I
will write as things happen and fill in the gaps with previous experiences. I
hope you enjoy the upcoming true stories I will be sharing!
Please forgive typos and grammatical errors. This writing comes in a
flow from the heart and I admit, I am not perfect!
On the evening of September 3, 2011, I had a near death experience (NDE.) From the vantage point of the stars, I viewed my body. Physically I felt nothing, but my awareness was keen. I was part of the fabric of the Earth, sky and everything beyond...simultaneously. There was no end to me, I was boundless. In that moment, I felt the greatest peace I’ve ever known; peace beyond the most permeating, deeply seated calm. It's been said this is “the peace that passeth all understanding.” I experienced Oneness. My greatest goal in life is to return to that state of Oneness at will.
Please forgive typos and grammatical errors. This writing comes in a flow from the heart and I admit, I am not perfect!